Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Registry Repair Tool The Importance of Installing a Registry Repair Tool in Your Computer By:Aaron Han

Most of us own either a personal desktop or a laptop, but not all of us are trained to troubleshoot our computer problems. I'm sure there have been times where you feel like throwing a sledgehammer onto your monitor because of the sheer slowness of your PC.

You have almost had your brains racked by trying to get the dinosaur machine to work faster. You have all your files backed up and literally stripped the hard disk off, but the machine just won't move any faster. You can even get the computer to perform a minor task, then go for a coffee break, come back and the task is not even half done.

If you are a graphics or a video person, your computer speed may even prove detrimental to your working hours. Instead of spending one hour on a particular project, you may end up spending two or three more hours which is certainly not cost-effective for you.e

A registry repair tool is one of the most important utility that any computer owner should have in their system. This utility will help to organize your files and clean up all the clutter in your Windows registry. You will agree that a clean and organized system brings more proficiency to your work.

Imagine having an expert housekeeper to clean up your working area. Any good registry repair tool works almost like one, in fact better. All the missing files are kept in proper order. All the unwanted files are thrown away to free up more space. The best part is that a good registry repair tool knows exactly which kind of files you need and which ones are simply thrash.

The Windows registry is simply a hierarchical information database that controls the daily activities within your computer. Think of it as the life-blood of the operating system that grows evryday. It keeps track of your movement, even while you are downloading songs or movies from the internet. As your registry gets bulkier, it becomes less optimized hence making your computer crawl slower than a snail on crutches.

Any good registry repair tool requires just a simple click to start the cleaning process. You can easily download it from the net, install and run the program. The utility should be able to provide you a comprehensive feedback of the problems that your computer is facing. You can search any search engine for phrases like, 'registry repair tool', 'best registry cleaners', 'windows registry scan' and so on.

A user-friendly registry repair tool will usually start off with a scan of your computer. This will extract the details where the errors are mainly located. A fixing process follows the scanning process and a fresh registry is restored within a few minutes. However, the software usually creates a backup of the files removed in the process and this is called the system restore point.

Is Your Computer Crawling Slower Than a Snail on Crutches? Use The Free Scan at Registry Repair Tool to Analyze Your System and Boost Your PC Performance Now!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

MP3 Players Buying Tips By:Natasha Johnson

If you're in the market to buy an MP3 player, you need to decide which one suits your needs the best. Getting an MP3 player is a great decision because they can add a lot of excitement to your daily routine. Consider the things you want an MP3 player for and make your decision based on individual features.

The most popular MP3 player is the Apple iPod. There are many people who will only purchase an iPod, and will bypass all other brands no matter what. These are great players, and you can't really go wrong if you choose one. Take a look at individual product specifications of MP3 players that interest you. For example, if you have many Windows Media (WMA) songs you should look for a player that supports WMA.

In addition to format support, you should also consider the sound quality. It is sometimes true that you get what you pay for. Don't settle for a product that is going to give you terrible sound quality, when you could get pristine sound for just a slightly higher cost.

Consider reading some online consumer reviews before you make your decision. Chances are that someone out there has reviewed the model you are interested in. Be careful though, people generally post a review whether they are extremely please, or very angry about purchasing the product. Usually there won't be an in between vote because they weren't passionate enough one way or the other. Just keep in mine that the results can be skewed.

Sometimes, you can't decide on one model or another because they both support the formats you want, have great sound quality, and great reviews. If this is the case, you may have to make your decision based on more than just functionality. There are many MP3 players that come in a variety of colors and shapes. If you're interested in the design and look of a product, you'll wan to choose a model that appeals to you.

Buying an MP3 player is a very exciting thing. There are some tough choices you'll have to make before you settle down with one, but these are all well worth the effort. Some MP3 players even offer a choice of colors!

Visit Gadget Living for great gadget ideas for the house and home. At you'll find loads of great gift ideas, and lots of stuff to add to your own wish list.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How to Watch Live Sports TV Online For Free By:Davion Wong

All sports enthusiasts out there would give a hand or leg to be able to watch live sports TV online. Most fans exude tremendous passion in following up on news on the latest American football game, games and catch their favorite players like golf ace Tiger Woods, F1 champion Michael Schumacher and tennis star Roger Federer on TV. It is not surprising since there is much excitement in sport activites especially when you can watch the live games together with a group of like-minded friends.

In a few moments, what you are going to read would show you how to watch live sports TV online for free.

The idea is this; you may hear about how people are watching television on the internet or to be specific, watch live sports TV online. Well, millions of viewers worldwide are now hiding in their rooms and enjoying a good live American football game in this season or tuning into other sports channels. And they are able to do so with PC satellite TV software.

The software allows anyone and I mean anyone to watch live sports TV online when you install it on a computer with an internet connection. This neat program lets you in on over 70 channels showcasing football, soccer, baseball, basketball, tennis, racing, wrestling, boxing and many other games. These games could be taking place at different parts of the world.

With cool channels featured in the software like EuroSports TV, ESPN News, Fox Network, Sport Star, GameSports TV, WHL TV, it is a treat to all sports fans who relish a good night of online TV entertainment. These programs are broadcast for free from free to air TV stations. And what the software does is to receive, decode and display the TV feeds on your computer.

Each software can be purchased and downloaded from online retail stores for less than $50 per pop. Wait a minute. Isn't it free to watch live sports TV online? Well, the channels are free but the software is not. You do need it in order to get instant access to the television entertainment. It is a rare deal though since that is the only price you would ever pay. You not only get sports programs, there are plenty of movies, TV shows and music videos you can watch using the software for free as well.

The installation is simple. Once you have downloaded it, just click on the installation icon and you may let the program run on its own. It takes no more than a couple of minutes before you can start watching the live sports TV online. Before you get too excited, do make sure you have a broadband connection for smooth, uninterrupted transmission.

This is all it takes to get the free sports television channels you can watch on your PC. Many are setting aside their late evenings and weekends to catch some rest and watch a good game online. See how you can watch live sports TV online through my television blog.

Davion is a great fan of TV shows. Grab the software needed to watch satellite TV on PC, tuning into hundreds of LIVE world channels of sports, news, movies, music and kids program. Also read his popular article on how to watch satellite TV on PC instantly for pennies.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Data Storage From Floppies to USB Drives By:Martin Coleman

Have you ever finished a piece of work, saved it, and thought to yourself, how will I store it? Sure, it's saved and sitting on your computer's hard drive, but if you wanted to back it up, what would you do? Look around your office. Typically, you would see a box of floppy disks awaiting use. You would also see those brand new shrink wrapped CD-Rs or CD-RWs. You might also spot one of those 100MB/250MB zip drives. Or, just maybe, if you're like me, you'll have a pile of USB thumb-sized drives with their chords hanging from your shelf awaiting use, which you reach up and grab.

I had one of those thoughts the other day. You know, when you look at something and see a phasing in of one technology and a phasing out of another? It's happening with video tapes and DVDs as we speak. I can remember years ago throwing out a huge box of 5.25 inch floppy disks. Can anyone remember them? Well, I looked over at my shelf and saw a pile of over 50 floppy disks which hadn't been used in nearly a year and a large lockable storage box which fits about another 100 floppy disks, full. I looked at it and then saw the USB drives and you know what? I really wanted to throw out the floppy disks.

Floppy disks were king once. They still are in some places, which even those few and far between who are still holding onto them, will soon come to the realisation: they are simply unreliable. Many will disagree with me. That's fine. I did too a few years ago. But then I bought my first USB thumb drive and haven't looked back since. See, floppy disks are prone to physical damage, dust can ruin them, they're slow, they don't like electronic interference or magnetic fields and... they don't hold much. I think people started realising that when their huge over bloated word documents weren't fitting on their floppies any more. Sure, we tried compressing them, zipping them up, etc but in the end, that was too slow and would only work for a while. What if the zip file got corrupted? That was a nightmare for most. Then they started the transition to CDs.

Now, at the end of the tunnel, we see our storage saviours, USB drives. They're compact, fast, hold over 2000 times the amount that a floppy could (the bigger ones hold more than CDs can too!), hold data for over 10 years (some even guarantee it up to 100 years!) and will be in use for a LONG time! See, most new laptops don't have floppy drives any more But what do they have? Yep, extra USB plugs for all your external adapters, including USB drives!

I've completely switched over to USB drives. I own six and will be getting a seventh soon. They range from 64MB to 2GB. My next one will be a 4GB USB drive. I can already carry more data on me than my first computer could (164MB hard drive)!

They are definitely the way to go from now on. Make the switch. Plug in and use. It just doesn't get any easier.

Martin is a computer researcher, writer and programmer and has been enjoying the industry for the last 12 years. He can be reached at

Digital Video Special Moment Throughout Your Childrens Lives By:John Templin

I know that having a digital video camera has definitely been one of the greatest joys since my daughter has been born and the wonderful memories that we can always look back on are irreplaceable. Bringing a child into life is scary of course but loving them, nurturing them and bonding with them is something that can not even be described. Every parent wants the opportunity to capture many of those fondest memories on video and through pictures, so that when their children are older they can all look back and remember those moments, with such joy in the hearts, along with getting in some really good laughs as well.

Having a digital video camera around during the time of raising your children is so wonderful and will make taking digital videos and photographs so much more enjoyable. You do not have to wait for film to get developed and with any digital video camera you will have the opportunity to view your images the second after capturing them. It is something that all families should invest in and believe me, you will get more than enough use out of it to make it worth purchasing.

Capturing images of your children as they grow up will be an absolutely fabulous experience and seeing their faces when they get to take a peek at the wonderful images will really be cool. They will think the world of you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to spend time watching them with a big smile on your face and getting any little special thing or funny look that they give you on video or in pictures, for future enjoyment to everyone. Digital video has made it possible for so many people to enjoy taking pictures and videos like they have never gotten to before and the coolest thing about any digital video camera is all of the incredible features that are available.

You will have the opportunity to view each image as it is captured right on the LCD screen and then being able to edit any images that need it will be another really cool feature. No more throwing photographs away because they were too dark, blurry or just did not turn out at all. No more wasting your hard earned money on film, to only pay and wait to have them developed, with only a few that really turned out fairly well. That is always so disappointing right. With a digital video camera you will also be able to get all of your images transferred onto a CD so that you can download them onto your computer system at home. By being able to do that you could have them safely stored away into a file, never having to worry about them getting damaged or lost, ever again.

So, if you do not already have a digital video camera and are expecting your first child, you had better not wait any longer, get out there and find yourself the perfect digital camera so that you too can enjoy every precious memory that you have with your child.

John Templin is the owner and creator of the Digital Video Blog, providing digital video articles and tips. John is also the owner of the Digital Products Membership Club. Visit the Digital Video Blog at and his Digital Products Membership Club at

Monday, December 17, 2007

Email 101 For Beginners By:Dror Klar

If someone were to ask you for your email address, are you one of those people who have to say that you have a computer, but you really have not mastered it enough to do a complicated thing like using email? If you would take the time to set up a free email account, you would discover just how easy it is. Whether you internet is connected through your telephone, your cable or a satellite connection, once you start sending and receiving email, you will love being able to do it, and you will wonder how you ever lived without it.

First of all, you go to your favorite web portal, like Yahoo, although this is not nearly the only place you can set up an email account. MSN hotmail was one of the first places to set up email back in 1995. Let us just say that you choose Yahoo. Click on where is says mail. Simply follow the directions. These directions will be simple questions. You will have to make up a user name and password.

Whenever you want to send email, just click on mail. There will be a place that says compose. Click here and type in the email address to who you are sending to. Make sure you have the email address typed exactly right or it might not get through. Next, you fill in your email address. You are now ready to type your message and send it.

With a little practice, you will learn to use your address book. This is the place in your email where you store the email addresses you use a lot. You can click on insert address and you can pick the address you want to use. It will insert it in the address space for you.

Adding an attachment to an email is easy too. Click on where it says attachments. This is what you use to send a document or photos you have stored in your computer. Once you click attachment, a browse box will appear. Click on browse and your documents or other places on your computer will appear. If you are sending photos, go to your picture folder. Then select the picture you wish to send. This will then take you back to the browse box which will now have your photo in it. It works the same for any other item you wish to send and you can send more than one attachment at a time.

There are plenty of website tutorials that you can go to that will teach you more in depth things about sending and receiving emails, but maybe these first basic steps will help you get started being able to access your world through the ease of email.

Having Fun Deciphering Vista By:Hafiz Muhammad Imran Khan

Research about various issues of Windows Vista is such a vast domain that reams of paper can be utilised for this very purpose. There are various issues plaguing Vista at the very moment, and software engineers are working to rectify some major compatibility issues. However, to say that Vista is incompatible with other pieces of software is just one way to look at it. A detailed overview will suggest that it is the incompetence of other software packages to be unable to comply with Vista. The subject is open to debate and can be interpreted in a variety of ways.

Most users have complaints against the speed at which Vista operates. Some general rules can be applied to rid the user out of such minor discrepancies. For instance on the 'Advanced' tab, you will find a 'Performance' section. On closer inspection you will also find the 'Settings' button. Simply click this button. Now, after having gone this far you will find a 'Visual Effects' tab. Here, you have a variety of options with regard to which special effects can be enabled or disabled. This will be a test of your discretionary abilities and you have the liberty to make use of your free will. You will find an option 'Adjust for best performance' and after enabling this feature, you will find a significant increase in the speed. But, the downside is that you will have some issues while using the Paint program.

Another useful tip that will do wonders for your machine is eliminating some default checks that slow down your computer immensely. Double click on the Computer icon. There you should find various icons including the ones for your hard disks. All you have to do is to visit their properties by right clicking these icons.

Hafiz Muhammad Imran Khan

How to Prevent Spyware Installation on Your Computer By:Sesan Oguntade

Before I explain how to prevent spyware from being installed on your computer, let me first of all explain what spyware is.

What is Spyware?

Spyware or Adware is software that is installed on your computer without your permission or consent.

The software can be used to monitor your online activities. It does many of the under listed things to your computer:

? It monitor your internet surfing
? It records your keystrokes
? It sends you pop-up ads
? It re-directs your computer to websites

Let me also use this opportunity to tell you some of the things you should look out for to know whether spyware is on your computer:

1. When there is a sudden change in your computers internet home page
2. When pop-up ads come up every now and then
3. When your browser takes you to sites other than the one you typed into the address bar.
4. When you see random messages
5. When your tab key refuses to work properly
6. Sluggish or slow performance when opening programs or saving files.

Now let me show you the various things you can do to prevent spyware installation.

? Update your operating system and web browser software. These operating systems may offer free software patches to close holes in the system that spyware could exploit. In fact, this is done on a regular basis by the windows operating system.

? You are advised not to install any software if you don't know the source. I was ignorant of this at the beginning of my internet business. I installed on my system anything free. This can be injurious to your computer.

? Those links that pop-up while you are browsing may contain spyware. Don't click on them. You can just close them immediately they come up

? You are also not to respond to any promotion in your inbox asking you to click a link that offers anti spyware protection. Give no recognition to SPAM mails. Just delete them immediately you see them.

? Protect your computer. Install a personal firewall to prevent unauthorized users. There are so many sites now that are offering free spyware protection. However, be careful when you want to choose one. I have a FREE one installed on my system

Sesan Oguntade is the CEO of The Rock Technologies He has been an internet marketer for sometime now. He offers great FREE e-books on internet marketing at his site -

You can also find good "How To Guides" articles at his site.You can check some of his articles at

How to Protect Your Home PC for Free By:Walter Babigian

Many home PC users either don't have Anti-virus or Malware protection on their PC's or it is out of date. The two biggest reasons usually are that the software is expensive and that the subscription has to be renewed each year. The second is that they did not renew the subscription and so the software is not protecting the PC because it is out of date.

Well what many home PC users don't know is that there is free Anti-virus programs that work great and do not require a subscription to be paid each year to get the updates.

One such program is Comodo Anti-Virus. Comodo offers a full working version of this product free for life for both home and business users. This software updates itself automatically as long as you are connected to the Internet. Thus the software is always up to date with the latest protection. Another option for free Anti-virus software is a company called Grisoft and they make AVG Anti-virus and offer a free basic version for home users only. Because AVG is a stripped down version I would recommend Comodo's version for more thorough protection however anything is better than nothing at all.

The same holds true for Anti-spyware or malware protection. Again Comodo offers a free program called Comodo BOClean. BOClean destroys malware and removes registry entries, does not require a reboot to remove all traces, scans automatically and detects instantly in the background. BOClean also updates itself automatically when connected to the Internet. Spybot Search & Destroy free for home use Anti-spyware software is another option.

Spybot SD is freeware. Freeware is software you can use for free but if you like it the programmer asks that you make a donation for their work. Although it is not required to make a donation Spybot is a great program and if you choose to use it please consider making a donation to the designer for their work. Spybot updates itself when started and you have to manually run scans it is not automatic. Grisoft also makes a free Anti-spyware called AVG Anti-spyware free for home use. It does a good job of finding spyware however it is not automatic and requires that you manually update it.

As you can see you don't have to spend a big chunk of change to protect your PC. So stop procrastinating and wondering why your PC is running slow with lots of pop ups and protect your PC TODAY!

Comptia A+ and Network + certified professional.

More great information can be found at the authors web site