Monday, December 17, 2007

Email 101 For Beginners By:Dror Klar

If someone were to ask you for your email address, are you one of those people who have to say that you have a computer, but you really have not mastered it enough to do a complicated thing like using email? If you would take the time to set up a free email account, you would discover just how easy it is. Whether you internet is connected through your telephone, your cable or a satellite connection, once you start sending and receiving email, you will love being able to do it, and you will wonder how you ever lived without it.

First of all, you go to your favorite web portal, like Yahoo, although this is not nearly the only place you can set up an email account. MSN hotmail was one of the first places to set up email back in 1995. Let us just say that you choose Yahoo. Click on where is says mail. Simply follow the directions. These directions will be simple questions. You will have to make up a user name and password.

Whenever you want to send email, just click on mail. There will be a place that says compose. Click here and type in the email address to who you are sending to. Make sure you have the email address typed exactly right or it might not get through. Next, you fill in your email address. You are now ready to type your message and send it.

With a little practice, you will learn to use your address book. This is the place in your email where you store the email addresses you use a lot. You can click on insert address and you can pick the address you want to use. It will insert it in the address space for you.

Adding an attachment to an email is easy too. Click on where it says attachments. This is what you use to send a document or photos you have stored in your computer. Once you click attachment, a browse box will appear. Click on browse and your documents or other places on your computer will appear. If you are sending photos, go to your picture folder. Then select the picture you wish to send. This will then take you back to the browse box which will now have your photo in it. It works the same for any other item you wish to send and you can send more than one attachment at a time.

There are plenty of website tutorials that you can go to that will teach you more in depth things about sending and receiving emails, but maybe these first basic steps will help you get started being able to access your world through the ease of email.

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